Hi chronic pain warrior, chronic illness warrior, or just plain warrior!
As we share the 25 most-listened-to episodes on the Heal Podcast, I was so excited to see that Josh and Aly made the list. Josh and Aly Taylor are two of the most down-to-earth Southern sweethearts you ever did hear! In fact, I remember when the episode came out someone told me that they wanted to listen to them talk all day just because of their accents. Straight out of Louisiana, Josh and Aly shared their incredible journey through breast cancer with us on Episode 51.
The Taylors joined us for Women’s Health Awareness Month in May of 2021. They are authors, speakers, and stars of TLC’s TV show Rattled. They were young marrieds in their mid-twenties when they discovered that Aly had an aggressive form of breast cancer. Through their treatment road of chemotherapy, mastectomy, and reconstruction, they found out they would probably never be able to have children of their own.
Surrendering that journey to God, they went down the adoption road, ending up with two precious little girls that God blessed them with from another mother. But, surprise of all surprises, as they were set to adopt their second girl, Aly found out she was pregnant! She ended up giving birth to their own genetic daughter within weeks of adopting their first adopted daughter’s sister.
The Taylors will always carry their cancer journey with them, and in this episode they share both what God taught them in the heat of the battle, as well as what he taught them in hindsight looking back now with perspective. Check out this episode, as well as their multiple books they’ve written. Plus if you need a brain break, you can always watch a snippet of an episode from Rattled to get to see part of their journey play out!
Listen to learn more about:
· How a young couple battles a dire breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in their twenties – including body changes, effects of chemo, and infertility.
· How to trust God when it seems like he’s taken your deepest desires off the table because of your health condition.
· How to grapple with the tension of knowing God can heal you miraculously and allowing others to pray for you, and yet also proceeding with medical treatment.
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Favorite Quotes:
o “I used to think God meets us at our level of faith. I often believed the enemy’s lies, thinking that if I just believed more, did more, or prayed more, things would go differently for me. But that mindset can be a trap. It puts all the work (and hope) solely on me. That mentality takes away my dependence on the Lord and makes me feel as though I have the power over life and death myself. Yes, I know I have free will and the power to choose to walk out God’s plan for my life. I also know that many of God’s promises come with conditions. But believing in God means knowing I am not the healer. I am not the difference maker. I am not the final word.” – Aly’s Fight
o “Yes, I’m healed...but that healing doesn’t mean I’m not also still broken. I’m both.” – Aly’s Fight
o “It’s like the Scripture in Matthew that says, ‘I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief!’ I had so many moments of disbelief or fear. It’s not like I had the confidence to be healed all the time, but I wanted the things that came out of my mouth to be that. Scripture says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and so I took that literally, like ‘I’m going to speak the Word of God out loud because that’s going to give me faith.’ I did as much as I could do, but it wasn’t reliant on me. I was doing what I needed to do to build my own faith, not because what I was doing was what was going to heal me.” -Heal Podcast Episode 51
Links from our conversation:
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For freedom,