Hey friends!
Sue Reynolds journeyed from being morbidly obese, barely able to walk to the end of her driveway, to losing 200 pounds and getting 6th at the World Triathlon Championships. In this episode, she talks about some misconceptions about obesity, the athlete she found hiding inside her body, and how triathlons connected her to God and her faith.
Buy The Athlete Inside: amzn.com/B07VGSSZ8T
Follow Sue on IG: @sue.reynolds
Sue's Website: https://suereynolds.net
Triathlon Distances:
Super Sprint: Offered by some races and varies in distance
Sprint Distance: Swim 500-800 meters, Bike 12-15 miles, Run 2 miles - 5k (3.1 miles)
Olympic Distance: Swim ~1 mile, Bike 25-30 miles, Run 10k (6.2 miles)
Half Ironman: Swim 1.2 miles, Bike 56 miles, Run 13.1 miles
Ironman: Swim 2.4 miles, Bike 112 miles, Run 26.2 miles
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For freedom,