Episode 111 Douglas Kaine McKelvey on Every Moment Holy
Hey there, Kingdom Warrior! I’m so glad you’re joining us for the episode today! I was pumped when our previous podcast guest, Kevan...

Season 1, Episode 46: Lamar Hardwick: The Autism Pastor
Hello friend! Lamar has become known as the autism pastor for his ability to pastor those who are differently abled and often left out of...

Season 1, Episode 32: Shadrick Bell: Rollercoaster of Diagnoses
Hello friend! Listen in on our second interview with Shad as he shares his story of misdiagnoses for an unknown illness and what he is...

Season 1, Episode 23: Eddie Williams: The NFL, Injuries, Church Planting, and Everything In Between
Hello friend! Eddie Williams joins us to talk about his journey from playing in the NFL to his four surgeries that led him to planting a...