Episode 103: Andrew Moceo on the Heart of a Warrior
Hello friend! US Veteran Andrew Moceo joins us today to share his journey through a horrific spinal injury he sustained in the military,...

Episode 100: Xochitl Dixon: Waiting For God
Hello friend! From 2+ decades of debilitating chronic back pain, Xochitl Dixon brings us her wisdom on waiting for God today. Author of a...

Episode 98: Carrie Farrell: For the Injured Athlete
Hello friend! Carrie Farrell has been an injured athlete, a coach of injured athletes, and a mental health counselor for people who live...

Episode 81: Theresa Boedeker on Unconditional Love
Hello friend! Theresa Boedeker was in the passenger seat in 1994 when she saw a school bus pull out in front of their car. The ensuing...

Episode 80: Melanie Fagan on Creativity in Pain
Hello friend! Have you ever thought about how creativity can relieve your pain symptoms? This is the journey of Melanie Fagan, who has...

Episode 77: Carleigh Joyce: Holding Them Both
Hello friend! Life is almost never purely bad or purely good, purely grief-filled or purely joy-filled, purely redeemed or purely...

Season 1, Episode 40: Carley and Mark DenBoer: Valentines & Suicide Prevention
Hello friend! Carley and Mark DenBoer join us today to talk about their lives and how they seek to glorify God amidst their marriage with...

Season 1, Episode 39: Paul Rudzitis: God Doesn't Make Junk
Hello friend! Paul Rudzitis has experienced quite a bit of pain, from a hangman's fracture in his neck to prostate cancer to doing...

Season 1, Episode 34: Liuan Huska: Hurting Yet Whole
Hello friend! Author Liuan Huska joins us today to talk about her new book, Hurting Yet Whole: Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic...

Season 1, Episode 31: Hannah Martindale: The PT Becomes the Patient
Hello friend! Hannah Martindale is a PT who has recently had her own struggle through pain after an invasive corrective surgery for hip...