Ep. 114 Rachel Marie Kang on Courage and Creativity in Pain
Hey there, Kingdom Warrior! I’m so glad to be connecting with you all again after maternity leave. It’s been a whirlwind, but I miss...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 73 Dr. Andy Laurie: The Doctor Pastor Patient
Hey friend! Well I have to say that it doesn’t surprise me that Dr. Laurie’s episode came in at #16 on the most-listened-to Heal...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 87 Dena Dyer: He Hurts When We Hurt
Hi, friend! Snagging the #22 spot for the most-listened to episodes of the Heal Podcast is author, speaker, and coach Dena Dyer. Even...

Episode 94: Tara Smith Johnson: Defeating Dysautonomia
Hello friend! Author Tara Johnson has battled dysautonomia for years, facing seizures and the effects of her neurotoxicity autoimmune...

Episode 72: Charis Brown on God's Coat
Hello friend! Charis Brown had chronic, debilitating migraines for 25 years before she found a clinic she felt like God told her would be...

Season 1, Episode 58: Dustin Ortman on Trusting God's Purpose
Hello friend! After a hike, Dustin Ortman felt some weakness in his back. A few days later, he was being rolled in a wheelchair to his...

Season 1, Episode 14: Shadrick Bell on the State of Our Nation and an Unknown Illness
Hello friend! Shad Bell talks to us about living for 15 years with an illness doctors still can't diagnose. From autoimmune disease...