Episode 98: Carrie Farrell: For the Injured Athlete
Hello friend! Carrie Farrell has been an injured athlete, a coach of injured athletes, and a mental health counselor for people who live...

Episode 69: Sam Kavanagh Pt. 2: Baby Steps
Hello friend! Sam Kavanagh was on a back-country ski trip when an avalanche struck. Losing his best friend in the avalanche, Sam was...

Season 1, Episode 63: Ryan Hall: Keys to Enduring Pain
Hello friend! Olympian Ryan Hall speaks today about his keys to enduring pain. This is an excerpt from his podcast, Running Free, used...

Season 1, Episode 48: Amy Downs on Surviving a Terrorist Attack
Hello friend! On April 19, 1995, Amy Downs was a self-described "lazy college dropout." But 26 years ago, her life changed forever when a...

Season 1, Episode 39: Paul Rudzitis: God Doesn't Make Junk
Hello friend! Paul Rudzitis has experienced quite a bit of pain, from a hangman's fracture in his neck to prostate cancer to doing...

Season 1, Episode 32: Shadrick Bell: Rollercoaster of Diagnoses
Hello friend! Listen in on our second interview with Shad as he shares his story of misdiagnoses for an unknown illness and what he is...

Season 1, Episode 28: Jessica McGuire: Learning New Things After a Football-Sized Lung Tumor
Hello friend! Since birth, a tumor had been growing on the inside of Jessica's chest. Because of its placement, instead of becoming...

Season 1, Episode 25: Bob Bardwell on a Life of Impact: 100 Wheelchair Marathons, 16,565 Extra Days
Hello friend! Bob Bardwell became paralyzed from the waist down at 25 when a construction accident caused a digger truck to fall on him....

Season 1, Episode 24: Brynn Schmidt: Hearing God When You Can't Hear
Hello friend! Brynn Schmidt didn't know she was hard of hearing until she was diagnosed in high school. God used this to change the...

Season 1, Episode 23: Eddie Williams: The NFL, Injuries, Church Planting, and Everything In Between
Hello friend! Eddie Williams joins us to talk about his journey from playing in the NFL to his four surgeries that led him to planting a...

Season 1, Episode 21: Haven Faith Shepherd: No Legs, No Problem!
Hello friend! Haven Faith Shepherd lives life with no legs, but she says if that's the worst thing she has going on in her life, it's not...

Season 1, Episode 19: Nathan Whitten on Adoption, the Paralympics, and Life with Five Fingers
Hello friend! Nathan Whitten was born in Russia with only five fingers and hip dysplasia. Told he would never be able to live a normal...

Season 1, Episode 17: Tiffany Surber on Anorexia: From an 80% Chance of Dying to State Champion
Hello friend! Tiffany's parents were told if they took her home from the hospital, they were as good as letting her die. Yet even with an...

Season 1, Episode 16: Elizabeth Jordana: When Your Brain Falls Out of Your Skull
Hello friend! Elizabeth Jordana joins us to talk about her journey through the grief of losing a sport and her adjustment to daily life...

Season 1, Episode 8: Sue Reynolds on Obesity: 335 Pounds to Team USA Triathlete
Hey friends! Sue Reynolds journeyed from being morbidly obese, barely able to walk to the end of her driveway, to losing 200 pounds and...