TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 88 Kyle Gillette: Mindset Coaching Through Pain
Hey there, friend! Perhaps because all of us feel like we could use some mindset coaching when it comes to our chronic pain, Kyle...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 87 Dena Dyer: He Hurts When We Hurt
Hi, friend! Snagging the #22 spot for the most-listened to episodes of the Heal Podcast is author, speaker, and coach Dena Dyer. Even...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 51 Josh and Aly Taylor on Breast Cancer, Fertility, Freedom, and Gratitude
Hi chronic pain warrior, chronic illness warrior, or just plain warrior! As we share the 25 most-listened-to episodes on the Heal...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 61 Ellie Sanazaro: Bearing the Image of Christ
Hey friend! Continuing in our celebration of stellar guests we’ve had on the Heal Podcast in the first two years, Ellie Sanazaro comes in...

TOP 25 Season 1, Episode 59: Esther Smith on the Whole Life
Hey, friends! As I enter maternity leave and this new season of being a parent, we’re taking a short break from publishing weekly...

Episode 106: Anmol Clairmont on Pain, PCOS, and Prophecy
Hello friend! Anmol Clairmont is a PA who specializes in neurology and pain management. In addition to her professional experience, I am...

Episode 105: Jennie McLaurin & Bem Culiat: Designed to Heal
Hello friend! Our bodies are designed to heal. But what happens when they don’t heal properly? Better yet, what can the design of our...

Episode 104: Bill and Will Kynes: Defiant Faith in the Face of Suffering
Hello friend! Bill Kynes and his son Will Kynes combine their knowledge today to bring us a compelling episode about the book of Job....

Episode 103: Andrew Moceo on the Heart of a Warrior
Hello friend! US Veteran Andrew Moceo joins us today to share his journey through a horrific spinal injury he sustained in the military,...

Episode 102: Katerina on Progressive Diseases
Hello friend! Progressive. Degenerative. No cure. Those are the words that most people fear to hear spoken over their lives, and they are...

Episode 101: Dr. Brian Gregg on 12 Perspectives of Suffering
Hello friend! Ever wondered what God’s purpose could be in your suffering? Have you ever thought about at least 12 different perspectives...

Episode 100: Xochitl Dixon: Waiting For God
Hello friend! From 2+ decades of debilitating chronic back pain, Xochitl Dixon brings us her wisdom on waiting for God today. Author of a...

Episode 99: Sarah Walton: When God Doesn't Protect You
Hello friend! Author Sarah Walton has endured her own battle with Lyme disease, the trial of watching all four of her children endure the...

Episode 98: Carrie Farrell: For the Injured Athlete
Hello friend! Carrie Farrell has been an injured athlete, a coach of injured athletes, and a mental health counselor for people who live...

Episode 97: Daniel & Kelly Crawford: Knowing More, Understanding Less
Hello friend! Daniel and Kelly Crawford lost their son to a life-limiting diagnosis a few days after his birth. Like Hebrews 11:4 says,...

Episode 94: Tara Smith Johnson: Defeating Dysautonomia
Hello friend! Author Tara Johnson has battled dysautonomia for years, facing seizures and the effects of her neurotoxicity autoimmune...

Episode 94: Kristen Wetherell on Humility When Hurting
Hello friend! Co-author of the award-winning book, Hope When It Hurts, Kristen Wetherell joins us today to talk about her journey through...

Episode 92: Elrena Evans on A Special Grace
Hello friend! Sometimes we feel like we need a special kind of grace to endure and thrive in the circumstances in which we find...

Episode 91: Shari Davenport on Inviting Death to Coffee
Hello friend! Life coach Shari Davenport joins us today to talk about her insights on walking with her husband through his cancer...

Episode 90: Dr. Rick Gardner and Justin Narducci on the CURE
Hello friend! Join both the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CURE International today on the podcast....